Now Follow me ,
> First open your terminal and uname -a (You will show your current system kernel version,Information about operating system bit and other system related information).
> Open your browser and goto Kali Linux and copy-paste below all codes one by one,
1. apt-get install git live-build cdebootstrap
(After running this code press y and hit enter)
2. git clone git://
(Pasted the code and hit enter)
3. cd live-build-config
(Then paste cd live-build-config)
4. ./ --distribution kali-rolling --verbose
(After running this code wait sometime,it will take sometime to complete this process)
> After running all of these code successfully type uname -a and notice the changes successfully. Finally, you will be able to update Kali 2016.1 to 2016.2 successfully. This is the easiest way you have ever seen.